Hi! I made a new video on the same question using the model method. This will be helpful for the students who could not understand the method yesterday. Have fun!
Hi all, Today, I am going through another Math Heuristic: Ratio Total Changed. I think this is one of the most difficult heuristic for Ratio. However, it could be mastered through practice. Have fun!!!
Hi all! This is another Math video for your revision. Many students will use 'Guess and Check' for this question. However, it is more effective to use the deduction method. I encourage you to do the question (without using algebra) before watching the entire video. Have fun!
Hi all, From this question, you would see that many topics can be combined into one word problem. I challenge you to try to do the question before you see the answer. Your method would most probably be different from what your child learns in school. Have fun!