Thursday, July 24, 2014

Help Your Child Learn The Model Method - Part 1

(For those who signed up for my newsletter, you should find the free ebook, Art of Writing for Lower Primary, in the newsletter last week. Check your spam folder if you did not receive it in your inbox. I hope the ebook sheds some light on the structure of writing for the younger students.)

Now onto this week's topic.

Your child should not be struggling with Math and English in P1 or P2. The syllabuses are quite easy at these two levels. At P3, it is a different story. Your child will come into contact with heuristics in Math. 

Heuristics is not rocket science. It is merely a set of methods to solve word problems. It is not difficult if they are taught well and at a good pace. Children fail to grasp the methods when the teaching is rushed or it is being taught in a fuzzy way to them.

Take a look at the question in the video. I took this video from my heuristic course for P3. The heuristic involved is The Model Method. 

This question is from a P3 CA1 exam paper. This question can appear as early as P2 SA2. It is not a difficult question, but you will be surprised that many students struggle with it.

If you have a child at P2 or P3, let him/her have a go at the question before showing him/her the answer. It is actually a good revision for them.

Next week, let's try a question from P5 that even algebra (yes, the only powerful heuristic most parents are equipped with) cannot solve.

Have fun learning with your kids!

(Sign up for my newsletter at for monthly tips on how to motivate your child to study. A free ebook is included in the newsletter.)

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© Aim for the Stars in PSLE
Maira Gall